Challenges,  Community


Hello dears.

February/2022 challenge is finished.
7$ coupon is going to very sweet layout by
All other participant are getting 25% discount coupons to the Mediterranka Design store.
Congratulations and thank you for joining my challenge!
  • Create a page to spread love. You don't need to be focused on Valentine's day only and the romantic side of love. Feel free to spread love to your family, friends, pets etc.
  • You must use word LOVE at least 1 time (wordbit, tag, wordart, pocket card, title etc.)
  • You must use at least 5 hearts.
  • You must use exactly 2 items (no more, no less) from add-on ''Redamancy'', which is available for free until the end of the month.
  • Using of photo is optimal.
  • Journaling is optimal.
  • Upload your layout to one of the galleries on your choice and post here to the comment section.
The layout needs to contain 90% of Mediterranka Design products.
You are free to create so many layouts as you want.
This challenge is running until February 28.
The winner will be announced the following week.

I used: 1). word ''love'' 2 times - in wordart and on square wordtag, 2). at least 5 hearts - 2 as elements, 1 cut on the pink banner, tag with 6 colored hearts, 1 heart in the hand sticker and one of patterned paper has also hearts. 3). From add-on I used the title ''only you'' and the dark blue flower sticker.

You can find some beautiful stuff in my store.

Good luck!

X.O., your Olesya


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