Christmas/New year,  By holiday,  Community,  Tutorials


Hello dears,

Today I want to show you how to create a Christmas layout just in 15 minutes. This time I focused on patterned papers, because they are really beautiful. As always I truly recommend using a template, because it saves your time and along with this gives you a lot of options to play with it. For this project I chose one of the templates from Feeling merry collection. This template is free and can be downloaded from here.


Open your photo. Use clip mask to add it to your page. For clipping mask, click ALT + the space between two layers - templated's layer named ''photo'' and your photo.


Change the background. For my page I used the solid paper #12 from Feeling merry collection and change the brightness to +20.

Add some patterns. Choosing the patterned papers don't forget to focus on colors and elements of the photo. My current photo has red, green, brown and gold tons, that's why I chose:

  • pattern #03 (I can't imagine the Christmas layout without a plaid pattern);
  • pattern #06 (cookie's color);
  • pattern #02 (boy's costume)
  • pattern #07 (strips colors match with the main colors on the photo)
  • pattern #08 (Christmas tree color)
  • pattern #12 (this pattern is like a spruce branch).

Use clip mask to add patterns. Move patterned papers, change their orientation and size, then merge every pair of layers and add shadows.


Place title and add shadow.


Place wordart and subtitle. Change their colors, if you want. I picked the color for my subtitle (digital stamp #19) from the last patterned paper.


Add wordbits and tags. One of the main elements on my page in the Official cookie tester tag. Look how perfect it works with my photo! I also added a white wordbit to keep the balance between the bright colors and white.


Because of the six bright patterned papers my layout already looks festive and colorful. I don't need to use a lot of decorative elements, because it will just overupt my page. One cluster is enough.


Make last edition. On this step you can rotate elements, move them and try other combinations. Then merge all layers and save your layout. I tried dark background. Which one do you like more?

If you already following me on Instagram, find this post there and follow the instructions.

X.O., your Olesya

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